I was born in New York City in 1964.

Two years and a half later, my parents decided to sail back to France, and that’s the reason why I sound so French!

Twenty years later and after my parents and I moved ten times all around the Paris Region, I got a degree in IT and created my first company.

I sold it in 2003 and my wife and I decided to move to Colorado with our four kids.

We stayed over there for about 18 months during which I worked as a full-time home dad.

Back in Europe in 2005, I gave day trading a try, but quickly realized that I wasn’t meant to be a trader!

In 2006, I created my first website, and I’ve been a blogger for eleven years.

Between 2008 and 2014, I remodeled my home in Belgium, plus two other houses in Colorado.

In late 2016, I sold my last website and from 2017 to 2021, I remodeled a 5-story townhouse all by myself in Belgium.

We are now in 2024 and I’m still looking for my next remodeling project. In France may be?